A plan sponsored by State Senator Omar Aquino to provide direct services and residency opportunities to international medical graduate physicians was signed into law Friday.
“The global pandemic exacerbated existing challenges for our health care industry, and right now we’re leaving talent on the table as we continue to face a shortage of providers across the nation,” said Aquino (D-Chicago). “Dedicating resources to help support immigrant inclusion in the professional sector while opening pathways for licensure will go a long way toward ensuring patients can get the care they need.”
The Migration Policy Institute recently found that, by 2030, Illinois’ workforce is on track to need 14,000 additional nurses, while an estimated 12,000 immigrants in the state who have health and medical degrees remain underemployed. In particular, the report found that the majority of Illinois residents whose talents are going unutilized are women, have international degrees in nursing and are naturalized U.S. citizens or green-card holders.
Read more: Aquino opens pathways for internationally trained medical professionals
Parents and families in need of school supplies, health services, youth programs and other community resources are invited to attend State Senator Omar Aquino and State Representative Lilian Jiménez’s annual back-to-school health fair on Saturday, Aug. 10.
“In preparation for the beginning of the school year, access to resources like school supplies, school physicals and housing support are crucial, and our annual back-to-school fair brings these important services together in one accessible location to make it easier for parents to get ready for the new school year,” said Aquino (D-Chicago). “I encourage all families to join us for this fun, free event.”
The event will be held Saturday, Aug. 10 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Prosser Career Academy, located at 2148 N. Long Ave. in Chicago. Food and refreshments will be provided while supplies last.
Read more: Aquino to host annual back-to-school health fair Aug. 10
Los padres y las familias que necesitan útiles escolares, servicios de salud, programas para jóvenes y otros recursos de la comunidad están invitados a asistir a la feria anual de salud de regreso a la escuela del Senador Estatal Omar Aquino y la Representante Estatal Lilian Jiménez el sábado 10 de agosto.
“En la preparación para el inicio del año escolar, el acceso a recursos como útiles escolares, exámenes físicos escolares y apoyo a la vivienda son esenciales, y nuestra feria anual de regreso a la escuela reúne a estos importantes servicios en un lugar accesible para que sea más fácil para los padres a prepararse para el nuevo año escolar,” dijo Aquino (D-Chicago). “Animo a todas las familias a unirse a nosotros para este evento divertido y gratis.”
El evento se realizará el sábado 10 de agosto de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. en Prosser Career Academy, ubicado en 2148 N. Long Ave. en Chicago. Habrá comida y refrescos hasta agotar existencias.
Read more: Aquino presenta el 10 de agosto la feria anual de salud de regreso a clases
Illinois will boost reimbursement for critical health services supporting vulnerable children and families, thanks to a new law led by State Senator Omar Aquino aimed at strengthening the Medicaid system.
“In Illinois, we are advancing equity by investing in the residents and health care providers who deserve a better system that meets their needs,” said Aquino (D-Chicago). “These much-needed rate increases will support safety net hospitals, children’s health centers, mental health providers and programs that ensure the health and well-being of vulnerable children and families across our state.”
The new law makes significant improvements to reimbursement rates and add-on payments to support the full spectrum of health care needs in Illinois, including increased funding for psychiatric care, skilled nursing facilities, children’s community health centers, birth centers, prosthetics and orthotics, optometry services and safety net hospitals, which serve some of the state’s most vulnerable populations.
Read more: Aquino leads new law to strengthen Medicaid system, improve reimbursement
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